Thursday, April 21, 2016

Umpteenth Time's The Charm

So, I'm trying this thing where I start a new blog.


I've honestly lost track of the number of times I've done this. I probably have at least a dozen random collections of posts hanging out in cyberspace that will give my future kids a good chuckle when they inevitably figure out how to dig them up (I could never be bothered).


I'm turning over a lot of new leaves in my life lately... all in the past year or so, I've gotten married, moved cross-country, adopted a pet, received two promotions, quit my job, started therapy, and a bunch of little things in between (that's life, right?). 

I just turned 25 and I'm definitely hitting something of a quarter-life crisis... I'm sure that I'm not the only Millennial out there who had parents that urged me to be THE BEST and do THE BEST and work reallyreallyreally hard in school and EVERYTHING ELSE WILL WORK ITSELF OUT and then realized... in all of my time spent being a great student and attending a great university and making my family proud and doing what I was told, I somehow never dedicated any time to figuring out what I wanted. What I needed. What's right for me. What I actually want to be when I grow up. What I believe in terms of religion. In terms of politics and people and love and life.

Do I totally suck for not figuring all of that out as I went along? Am I a stereotypical entitled Millennial rebelling against my parents in a way I never really did during my teenage years?

Probably. Maybe.

I'm planning on writing about the answers to life's questions. Writing about them in a way that makes sense to me. That comes from my own reasoning, experience, research, and intuition. Maybe my musings are just for me at this point, but if I can cyber-reach out and cyber-touch (heh) someone else with my thoughts, then that'll be just peaches. It's pretty incredible how knowing that you're not alone in your confusion/ anxiety/ depression/ loneliness/ weirdness/ thoughts can be so powerful. For all of its many flaws, I think that this is one of the greatest benefits to the internet and the nascent age of instant digital communication.

So, here comes me, carving out my own little niche in the monolith that is the blogosphere. My plan is to write about psychology and science and culture and healthy living and home life and work life and all kinds of fun stuff! I'm pumped and I have a -yuge- list of topics I want to post about and I'm totally celebrating with cake (not a lie) if I actually keep up with this damned thing enough to write a second post.